Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm a bad coke user . . .

. . . No, I don't mean that I have a bad coke problem (which I do). Nor do I mean that I do bad things like commit crimes or hurt the people I love because of cocaine (which incidentally, I also do). Rather, what I mean is that I am not cut out to be a coke user. As such, for the entire past weekend, I (gasp!) refrained from putting any powder up my nose. So yes, I'm a bad coke user, because apparently I'm not good at being a coke user.

Friday night the sauce was laid out right in front of me over at a friend's apartment, and I still stayed away. On one hand, this was indeed an incredible showing of self-control, given my historic lack thereof, as well as my propensity for, well, doing coke. On the other hand, however, it wasn't all that impressive, considering that the day before, my otalaryntolagist (ENT)--who for some time has known that I "party" and has warned me about the side effects--told me that if I don't stay off the sauce (at least for a little while) and let my sinuses and septum heal, my septum would rupture, and I would have to get it replaced with a piece of plastic. Now, I've never been the most ideal candidate for cocaine addiction. You see, I have chronic sinusitis in any event, something that excessive cocaine use only exacerbates. Despite this, I've ignored my doctor's warnings for years, and have in turn suffered painful and uncomfortable sinus infections regularly for as long as I can remember. But knowing that Stevie Nicks (who had her septum replaced because of coke use) I am not, the prospect of having to have my septum replaced, unlike mere sinus infections, does have me running scared. I always knew I was doing damage to myself, but I never thought it would cost me my beautiful, fake nose.

Which is why this past weekend, I didn't put a single iota of white powder up my nose. Instead, however, I did freebase a "jumbo" of crack with some tin foil and a straw just to get a fix, and man oh man, did I get high! So in accordance with my doctor's wishes, for the next month or so, I will go against everything I stand for, prove myself a "bad" coke user, and refrain from snorting the stuff. Clearly, however, I will continue to try to metabolize my muse by any other means possible, no matter how dirty said means may be, or how many teeth I lose in the process. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If cocaine is the cadillac of drugs, crack is...well crack is like driving a ferrari in the desert on an empty tank of gas.

-Johnny Shoelace

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does crack give you the same high? I've never done the actual crack...

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've used coke for a year now and no matter how much my nose has suffered from the binge nights (and believe me it has) i'm too afraid to try coke in any other form...smoking it, as you and many of my friends have said, is a better feeling, but i heard it lasts less long and it also strikes me as so much less glamorous..i dont know it sounds shallow but i also started using the drug because it made me feel like a star...stupid i know but whatever. ps: now that you know what it feels like to freebase, wily uo continue to do that when your nose is better??

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much Baking soda should I mix in with my coke to make a good batch of crack/freebase? I'm looking for a good recipe.


10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crack is different than coke.it binds permanently to serotonin receptors in your brain responsible for your happiness so that, literally, you will never be capable of being as happy after you smoke the crack as you had the potential to be before it....

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Salizar, I use a full dessert spoon of Baking Soda in the mixture. I roll it out about an inch thick and go to it with the cookie cutters. For festive occasions I put a silver bauble or a pecan in the middle. Bake in a Medium Oven for thirty or forty minutes. www.welcometowallyworld.com

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

havent done blow in three years but i did massive amounts for a couple years there. i even had a couple grand mal seizures! boy those were fun!

needless to say my nose and sinuses are still fed up. i think my right nostril is dead at times.

oh well.

i love coke for the first twenty minutes to an hour. then it is just a nightmare, coming down is the absolute worse thing i can think of. i hope to never do that shit again! but i havent had any laid out in front of me in quite some time... hmmmm...

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will admit that I went thrugh the same shit a couple of years back. I was lucky enough to OD and was forced to a rehab center where my nose recovered. I can't fuckin stop. And freebase scared me. It was not what it is cracked up to be. I had a solid high and a tough burst, but it just is not me. I know the stuff was good because Jaime, my friend is a conneisseur and he was very pleased to say the least. I only use on weekends anyway now. For the most part. Usually. It is more out of routine, rather than will power.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I destroyed my septum and had to have it replaced with cartalidge from my ear, not plastic. But it was an easy operation and i was perfectly happy to sit around taking vicodin with the little cast covering my nose. And a month later i was back at it.

6:42 PM  

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