Fare Thee Well
It is with a heavy heart that today I must announce the temporary suspension of Cocaine Corner. After the events of this week--which for various reasons I cannot detail in this forum--it has become clear to me that this endeavor simply cannot be continued for the time being. When I first started this site, I never imagined that it would receive the type of response that it has. But with the positive has too come the negative. And like many things in life, the negative has finally overtaken the positive.
In retrospect, it now seems completely idiotic to have documented, in writing, the types of things I've documented on this site, and for that, I'll always be sorry. What I am not sorry for, however, is the people who have supported me during my brief time as a blogger--those who read the site, those who emailed me with words of encouragement or to tell me how much they enjoyed my writing and stories, and even those who tried to get me to clean up my act. Who knows--those in the latter category may actually get their wish, although lets be honest--that's not bloody likely.
I knew from the beginning that this site couldn't last for very long. I just never thought that this was how it was going to end--or that it would end so quickly. Indeed, this ending seems a bit premature and even more anticlimactic given the events of this week (again, sorry about the lack of detail but I no longer wish to incriminate myself), but it was also inevitable. Unfortunately, I have a ton of material I wrote for the site that now has nowhere to go. If you are interested in getting any of it out there, email ewinter11@gmail.com and I'll have my people see what they can do to get it to you.
Notice that I refer to this as a "temporary" suspension, because it is my intention to start it up again when I have the opportunity to do so--which I'm guessing will be sometime in the next 3 to 6 months. Of course, any new incarnation of the site will necessarily be different than the first, but I hope that won't keep people from reading should it be brought back to life. And if it is, I will be sure that the word gets out.
Don't get the wrong idea here--my reasons for stopping the site are likely not what you think they are. In the end, my decision to close down the site was just that--my decision. It's just that certain pressures informed the inevitability of the decision.
I know now that things can never be the same, will never be the same, but hopefully what is past will simply be prologue to something bigger and better. Thanks for reading. All the best.
[dicated but not read]
In retrospect, it now seems completely idiotic to have documented, in writing, the types of things I've documented on this site, and for that, I'll always be sorry. What I am not sorry for, however, is the people who have supported me during my brief time as a blogger--those who read the site, those who emailed me with words of encouragement or to tell me how much they enjoyed my writing and stories, and even those who tried to get me to clean up my act. Who knows--those in the latter category may actually get their wish, although lets be honest--that's not bloody likely.
I knew from the beginning that this site couldn't last for very long. I just never thought that this was how it was going to end--or that it would end so quickly. Indeed, this ending seems a bit premature and even more anticlimactic given the events of this week (again, sorry about the lack of detail but I no longer wish to incriminate myself), but it was also inevitable. Unfortunately, I have a ton of material I wrote for the site that now has nowhere to go. If you are interested in getting any of it out there, email ewinter11@gmail.com and I'll have my people see what they can do to get it to you.
Notice that I refer to this as a "temporary" suspension, because it is my intention to start it up again when I have the opportunity to do so--which I'm guessing will be sometime in the next 3 to 6 months. Of course, any new incarnation of the site will necessarily be different than the first, but I hope that won't keep people from reading should it be brought back to life. And if it is, I will be sure that the word gets out.
Don't get the wrong idea here--my reasons for stopping the site are likely not what you think they are. In the end, my decision to close down the site was just that--my decision. It's just that certain pressures informed the inevitability of the decision.
I know now that things can never be the same, will never be the same, but hopefully what is past will simply be prologue to something bigger and better. Thanks for reading. All the best.
[dicated but not read]